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This is an example of how to use the Strongbox artifact repository manager with Yarn.


Example project

The "Hello, World!" sample application for this can be found here.

Prepare project workspace

First, you need to configure yarn to use Strongbox as a private registry. This can be done in your project by creating a .npmrc file, which is local npm configuration applied to your project. The Strongbox Yarn Example contains an npmrc.template file with a set of pre-defined configuration properties that can be used in your own project, or on your machine. Typically, all you'll need to do, is execute the following command, and create your .npmrc file:

$ cp npmrc.template .npmrc

After that the pre-defined configuration parameters can be changed, according to your needs and environment (Strongbox URL, username and password).

Your .npmrc should look like this:

$ cat .npmrc


; `_auth` is a base64 encoded authentication token
; you can use it instead of:
; username=admin
; _password=password

How to publish npm package into Strongbox registry

Execute the following command within your project folder:

$ yarn publish
Example output
$ yarn publish v1.19.1
+ [1/4] Bumping version...
+ info Current version: 1.0.0
+ question New version: 1.0.0
+ [2/4] Logging in...
+ [3/4] Publishing...
+ success Published.
+ [4/4] Revoking token...
+ Done in 4.50s.

See also

Last update: 2020-12-07