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Using the event api


The code for the events API is located under the strongbox-event-api module.


All events must extend the org.carlspring.strongbox.event.Event base class.

Event Listeners

All event listeners must implement the org.carlspring.strongbox.event.EventListener base class.

The org.carlspring.strongbox.event.EventListener has this following simple method which every listener need to implement and where the respective event handling will be performed:

public interface EventListener
    void handle(Event event);

Event Listener Registries

Event listener instances must be registered with the respective implementation's listener registry, which will be used to dispatch events to them.

All event listeners must extend the org.carlspring.strongbox.event.AbstractEventListenerRegistry base class.

Consider the following example, of how to register you listener:

public class ArtifactEventHandlingExample

    ArtifactEventListenerRegistry artifactEventListenerRegistry;

    public void doStuff()
        // Create the listener
        DummyArtifactEventListener listener = new DummyArtifactEventListener();

        // Add the listener to the registry

        // Create an event
        ArtifactEvent artifactEvent = new ArtifactEvent(ArtifactEvent.EVENT_ARTIFACT_UPLOADED);

        // Tell the registry to dispatch the event to all registered listeners:

    private class DummyArtifactEventListener implements ArtifactEventListener

        public void handle(ArtifactEvent event)
            System.out.println("Caught artifact event type " + event.getType() + ".");



Last update: 2020-12-07