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Artifact Coordinates


Artifact coordinates are an abstraction which allows you to identify an artifact (regardless of the type of artifact -- Maven, Ant, Nuget, RPM, etc).

Coordinates could, for example be things like:

  • groupId
  • artifactId
  • version
  • type
  • classifier

The above is an example for Maven, however, the idea of coordinates, is to provide a more generic way to identify artifacts.

Information For Developers

As the different repository formats have different coordinate systems, there needs to be a separate implementation of the ArtifactCoordinates per repository layout, (best achieved by extending the AbstractArtifactCoordinates).

Mandatory Coordinates

As a bare minimum, each implementation needs to provide the following two mandatory fields:

  • id
  • version

The id would be the name/id of the artifact, whereas, the version would describe the version.

Built-in Implementations

Strongbox comes with the following built-in implementations:

Last update: 2020-12-07