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Project structure


Core Modules

All the core modules are located under the Strongbox project. Each of these modules has a file explaining briefly what kind of code contains. New modules should also follow the same format.

This is a brief breakdown of the modules:

Additional Modules

All the Strongbox modules are organized under the Strongbox organization.

Creating New Modules/Projects

  • Each new modules needs to extend the strongbox-parent, from where it should be extending the dependencies and the configuration for Maven plugins. Modules should not contain any artifact or plugin versions.

  • All modules need to have a file describing in brief what the module is and give brief pointers on what classes and tests are of primary interest.

  • Each project in the Strongbox organization needs to have a copy of the LICENSE file.

Integration Tests

Web Integration Tests

The web integration tests are located in the strongbox-web-integration-tests project. They are using the maven-invoker-plugin to execute various tests against a Strongbox instance which is started for this purpose. These tests start Maven processes via the maven-invoker-plugin and are literally mimicking Maven behaviour. The outcome of the tests is validated using Groovy scripts.

Packaging Modules

For a much more lightweight build the modules which carry out the actual packaging into assemblies and distributions, these have been extracted into separate projects under the organization.

See Also

Last update: 2020-12-07