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Upgrading Dependencies And Plugins

Keeping dependencies up-to-date is a crucial task of our development process.

All of our Maven dependencies and plugins are defined via the <dependencyManagement/> and, respectively, <pluginManagement/> sections in our strongbox-parent project. All of our projects inherit this parent and it's important for you to understand how to upgrade dependencies and plugins without breaking the rest of the projects and modules down the line.

When a <dependency/> is defined in a <dependencyManagement/> section, the dependency can be defined versionless in any pom.xml file that extends the parent. In addition, you can define dependency <exclusions/> this way too and they will get inherited. Thus, the versions of dependencies can be controlled from one central place.

Similarly, when a <plugin/> is defined in a <pluginManagement/> section, the plugin can be defined versionless in any pom.xml file that extends the parent. What's more, you can actually define the <configuration/> of the plugin in the <pluginManagement/> section as well and this will get inherited. Thus, the versions and configurations of plugins can be controlled from one central place.

Steps For Upgrading Dependencies And Plugins

Here are the steps you will need to follow in order to do so:

1. strongbox-parent

  1. Fork the strongbox-parent project and create a new branch named issue-XYZ or issues/XYZ where XYZ is the GitHub issue number (i.e. 12345)

  2. Change the version of the project to include the branch name or pull request number. For example:

    1.0-SNAPSHOT issue-XYZ N/A 1.0-issue-XYZ-SNAPSHOT
    1.0-SNAPSHOT issue-XYZ-deps-upgrade N/A 1.0-issue-XYZ-SNAPSHOT
    1.0-SNAPSHOT issues/XYZ N/A 1.0-issues-XYZ-SNAPSHOT
    1.0-SNAPSHOT issues/XYZ-deps-upgrade N/A 1.0-issues-XYZ-SNAPSHOT
    1.0-SNAPSHOT ** any_branch_name 1234 1.0-PR-1234-SNAPSHOT

    Note **

    Using 1.0-PR-1234-SNAPSHOT versions is not recommended because it's hard to predict which is the next PR number would be. We this for special edge cases and it's highly unlikely you'll need it.

  3. Update the version of the respective dependency.

  4. Run the following to get the new version of the strongbox-parent installed in your local Maven repository:

    mvn clean install

2. strongbox

  1. Fork the strongbox project and create a new branch named issue-XYZ or issues/XYZ where XYZ is the GitHub issue number (i.e. 12345)

  2. Change all the parent definitions in the project's pom.xml files to use the new version of parent.

  3. Run the following to get the new version of the strongbox installed in your local Maven repository (none of the tests should fail):

    mvn clean install -Dintegration.tests

  4. Check that the strongbox-web-core still works (there should be no start-up errors and you should be able to browse the web application at http://localhost:48080/:

    cd strongbox-web-core
    mvn spring-boot:run

  5. Similarly to the above, you will need to check that the strongbox-distribution is still working as expected:

    cd strongbox-distribution/target
    tar -zxf *gz
    cd strongbox-distribution-*/strongbox-*/
    bin/strongbox console
    This will start Strongbox. You will need keep an eye on the log files in another terminal like this:
    tail -n 500 -F logs/*log
    For developers under Windows, we would recommend running the same steps either in Git-Bash, or under Cygwin.

3. strongbox-web-integration-tests

  1. Run the strongbox-web-integration-tests and make sure that none of them are failing. You will need Docker and docker-compose for this and you can find instructions on how to run these tests in the project's, but this is roughly an overview of the steps:

    find . -maxdepth 2 -type f -name "docker-compose.yml" -exec docker-compose -f {} up \;

  2. If there are issues with the tests in the strongbox-web-integration-tests project, you might have to fix them there as well and raise a pull request for that project.

4. Open a PR

  1. If all of the above is successful, please, raise a pull request against the strongbox-parent project.


    Please note you MUST wait for the Jenkins job to deploy the artifact BEFORE proceeding with the next step or it will fail complaining it cannot resolve an artifact with version ABC-issue-XYZ-SNAPSHOT!

  2. If all of the above is successful, please, raise a pull request against the strongbox project. The automated checks of this pull request are expected to fail the first time. You will need to contact us either via a comment under the pull request, or by pinging us on our chat channel. Please, note that this pull request will only be required in order for us to check, if the build pipeline is still working properly.

  3. Once 13) is confirmed to be successful, you will need to reset the version of the strongbox-parent to what it was previously (and, potentially, in the other Strongbox projects that you may have raised a pull request in). At this point, your pull request in the strongbox project will be closed and all your other pull requests will be accepted and merged.

Please, make sure all the steps above work, before raising your pull requests. If the upgrade causes an issue which you can't figure out, please raise the pull requests and try to provide as much information in the issue on our tracker, as possible, so that we could further investigate when we can.

Last update: 2020-12-07