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Add logging to projects or modules

The logging in the application is set up using:

  • logback (logback-core, logback-classic)
  • jcl-over-slf4j (to control Jersey and Spring output)
  • logback-configuration



If you have strongbox-commons as a (direct, or transitive) dependency of your module, you will be able to use the logging, without having to specify the dependencies yourself. If, for one reason, or another, you do not want to have this dependency, you will need the following dependencies instead:

<!-- Logging -->

Dependency Conflicts

Dependencies which have transitive dependencies on different versions of the libraries below, will most-likely cause dependency conflicts:

  • log4j
  • commons-logging
  • commons-logging-api

In order to exclude them as transitive dependencies, you will need to have something similar to this example:


        <!-- Exclude Commons Logging -->

Logging Configuration File Location

The logging is controlled via the strongbox/strongbox-resources/strongbox-common-resources/src/main/resources/logback-spring.xml. This resource should be copied wherever necessary using:




Configuring the Logging via The REST API

The logging can be configured via the REST API. We have created a separate project called logback-configuration for this purpose.

For details on how to configure the logging and resolve the log files via the REST API, please visit the rest documentation in your Strongbox instance at http://localhost:48080/docs/rest/api.html.

Last update: 2020-12-07