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Artifact Query Language (AQL)


The Artifact Query Language (or AQL for short) is a carefully crafted language which is used to construct search queries and find the artifacts you want in an easy and consistent manner.

AQL Syntax

Search queries are constructed using tokens, where each token is a pair of <key>:<value>.


The full list of possible keys will vary depending on the enabled layout providers, but the following common list needs to work the same across all layouts:

Key Description
storage Search for artifacts in a specific storage id
repository Search for artifacts in a specific repository id
layout Search for artifacts in a specific repository layout
version Search an artifact by version
tag Search for artifacts with available tag name
from Search for uploaded artifacts starting date (unicode format, results include the date)
to Search for uploaded artifacts before date (unicode format, results include the date)
age Constant: day, month, year, etc.
asc Order results ascending
desc Order results descending


Each layout provider will expose additional keys for the fields of it's implementation of the ArtifactCoordinates.
Head to our built-in layout providers section to see the coordinates for Maven, NPM and NuGet.


  • Values can be strings:

  • Quoted with single quotes ' when the value is more than one word (for example: storage: storage0, layout: 'Maven 2')

  • Separated with comma , for multiple values; you can consider this the same as IN operator in SQL (for example: repository: releases, snapshots, layout: 'Maven 2', NuGet)
  • Wildcards are supported * (for example: group: org.carlspring.*)

  • Values can be dates in Unicode format: 2018-03-21 13:00:00, 2018-03-21 (for example: updated: 2018-03-21, updated: '2018-03-21 13:00')

  • Values can be keywords/constants: day, month, year, etc. (for example: age: >= 30d)

Query expression

  • Queries are composed using Tokens to create an expression:

    storage:storage0 repository:releases

  • Expression parts can be surrounded by round brackets for more advanced queries. The following examples are equal:

    storage:storage0 repository:releases
    ((storage:storage0) (repository:releases))

  • Expression parts can be joined by logical operators:
    • AND is implied by default and means logical conjunction (equivalent synonymous: &,&&)
    • OR means logical disjunction (equivalent synonymous: |,||)
    • The following examples are equal:
      storage:storage0 repository:releases
      (storage:storage0) AND (repository:releases)
      storage:storage0 && repository:releases
  • Expression parts can be prefixed with + and - for inclusion or negation.
    • + is implied by default and means no negation (by and large does not mean anything, you can use it simply for clarity)
    • - means logical negation
    • The following examples are equal:
      storage:storage0 repository:releases NOT groupId: 'org.carlspring'
      storage:storage0 AND +repository:releases AND NOT groupId: 'org.carlspring'
      +(storage:storage0)+(repository:releases)-(groupId: 'org.carlspring')

How to use

The easiest way to AQL is by using the search bar in the user interface. Once you start writing, you will see suggestions based on what you've typed. You could also directly search via the REST API Endpoint.

Example curl request:

curl http://localhost:48080/api/aql?*

Example response:

  "artifact" : [ {
    "artifactCoordinates" : {
      "groupId" : "",
      "artifactId" : "android",
      "version" : "",
      "classifier" : null,
      "extension" : "jar"
    "storageId" : "storage-common-proxies",
    "repositoryId" : "carlspring",
    "url" : "http://localhost:48080/storages/storage-common-proxies/carlspring/com/google/android/android/",
    "snippets" : [ {
      "name" : "Maven 2",
      "code" : "<dependency>\n    <groupId></groupId>\n    <artifactId>android</artifactId>\n    <version></version>\n    <type>jar</type>\n    <scope>compile</scope>\n</dependency>\n"
    }, {
      "name" : "Gradle",
      "code" : "compile \"\"\n"
    }, {
      "name" : "Ivy",
      "code" : "<dependency org=\"\" name=\"android\" rev=\"\" />\n"
    }, {
      "name" : "Leiningen",
      "code" : "[ \"\"]\n"
    }, {
      "name" : "SBT",
      "code" : "libraryDependencies += \"\" % \"android\" % \"\"\n"
    } ],
    "path" : "com/google/android/android/"
  } ]

Last update: 2020-12-07