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Thank you for considering to contribute to our project! We deeply appreciate any contributions be it may fixing the docs, bug fix or performance improvement. Check the opened issues - there is always something you can help with.

Once you have found an issue you would like to work on:

  1. Read our Coding Conventions
  2. Read our Code of Conduct
  3. Read our Developer Guide

We have a helpful community of developers on our channel, please feel free to drop by, if you have questions, issues, or would like to contribute!

Community Channel

Submitting a bug report

Before submitting a bug report, please use the issue tracker's search to verify the bug has not been reported yet. If the bug has not been reported, please add a new one and mention all of the steps to reproduce it.

In case there is a bug in the user interface - please submit it at strongbox/strongbox-web-ui, preferably with a screenshot and steps to reproduce.


Strongbox is still under heavy development. Some things might break and/or change and some are simply not implemented yet. Please ask us in the main channel before submitting a bug report to confirm.

Submitting pull requests

Contributions and contributors are always welcome! If you have decided to work on an issue, please comment before you start the actual work to check if somebody else is not already working on it. If nobody is working, please create a fork of strongbox/strongbox and create a branch from the master which has the issue number you will be working on. For example, if the issue number is 1004, the branch name should be issue-1004.

While working on the issue, please commit using the following messaging format:

Issue 1004: Title of the issue

- Removing unused class and fixing failing test cases
- Oh, look, another necessary change here!

Once you're done with your work - feel free to open a Pull Request. Our CI will build the entire code and report any failing tests. In case of issues (i.e. build failures), please ping us in the chat.

Please continue reading our


For legal reasons we will request you to sign our ICLA before we can merge your pull request. The collected information is in no way provided to third-party companies nor anybody else.

Refusing to sign the ICLA will leave us with no other choice but to close any pull request you might have opened.

Special thanks to all of our contributors!

We would like to take a moment and shout out a special THANK YOU to all of our contributors for their awesome work! Strongbox would not have been the same without you and we deeply appreciate all of your help!

Last update: 2020-12-07