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The strongbox-authorization.yaml File

There are a number of built-in roles and privileges that are already pre-configured in the source code. In addition you can define your own roles and privileges either through the YAML configuration file or REST API.

You can't use unsupported roles or privileges in the configuration file. In such cases you will get a runtime exception during application startup. All custom (user-defined) roles and privileges have to be properly defined in the strongbox-authorization.yaml configuration file.

Example strongbox-authorization.yaml File

Below is a simple scrap of the strongbox-authorization.yaml configuration file that configures user defined roles:

    - name: ANONYMOUS_ROLE
      description: Common anonymous user role
    - name: USER_ROLE
      description: Common user role
        - VIEW_USER
    - name: CUSTOM_ROLE
      description: Deployment role
        - Deploy

Anonymous User Privileges

There is a special treatment role called ANONYMOUS_ROLE that is not considered as a built-in role so it doesn't have a fixed set of permissions. Anonymous user's privileges are configurable and can be defined in the strongbox-authorization.yaml configuration file.

    - name: ANONYMOUS_ROLE
      description: Common anonymous user role

This way every user not logged in will be awarded by the ARTIFACTS_RESOLVE and SEARCH_ARTIFACTS privileges.

Information for Developers

The following classes are related to various aspects of the authorization configuration:

Class Name Description
org.carlspring.strongbox.authorization.dto.AuthorizationConfigDto Represents authorization configuration in a deserialized form.
org.carlspring.strongbox.authorization.AuthorizationConfigFileManager Class to serialize / deserialize the authorization configuration.

The strongbox-authorization.yaml, which is packaged in the distribution, is located under the strongbox-storage-api-resources's src/main/resources/etc/conf directory.

Last update: 2020-12-07